Getting Your Master Bedroom Ready to Show

If you are planning to sell your home or host an open house soon, you should know that most buyers place more importance on specific rooms in the house than others, so you may want to focus on getting those rooms as appealing and attractive as possible. The master bedroom is one of the most important rooms in a house for buyers–right up there with the kitchen and bathrooms–so you should definitely give it some extra TLC and get it sale-ready. Here are a few things you can do to make sure your master bedroom is irresistible to potential buyers:

1. Consider painting the walls a neutral color, if they aren’t already. We can’t emphasize enough the importance of keeping your home’s color scheme and decor neutral. Not only are neutral colors more soothing and relaxing than bright, vivid colors, but they also de-personalize your home, making it easier for your potential buyers to envision themselves living there. It’s very encouraging when buyers say they can imagine themselves living in your house.

2. Stage the bedside tables. If your side tables are overflowing with old magazines, junk mail, tangled gadget chargers and junk mail, it’s time to clear all the clutter out and go for a clean, simple and minimalistic look. A pretty decorative vase and a book or two should suffice. Display whatever book you’re currently reading and it just may become a conversation piece for you and your buyer, helping you connect with them better and establish rapport.

3. Clean and organize your closet. Make no mistake, potential buyers will poke, pry and peer into your closet, so if it currently looks like it was ravaged by a hurricane, now is the time to do some damage control. This would also be a good time to get rid of any clothes that no longer fit or that you haven’t worn in a while. Consider donating them or holding a garage sale. Once you’ve gotten rid of the clothes you no longer want, hang and fold the remainder neatly inside your closet. Consider getting matching hangers and adding shelving or drawers if you need them. A clean and well-organized closet gives the impression of plenty of space and storage, which is always a plus when winning over potential buyers.

If you are planning to sell your home, let The Incorvaia Team make the process as easy as possible for you. Call us at 440-879-7130 today!