Unite This City turns one at Cleveland Metroparks Rainforest

Screencap taken from http://fox8.com/2013/12/18/unite-this-city-turns-one/

Unite This City, a community-based organization that aims to engage local residents, businesses and charities to work together to build and grow vibrant sustainable communities, is turning one this year. They will be celebrating in style at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Rainforest on Saturday, January 25 with an incredible party featuring entertainers, dancing, and a Photo booth. The festivities kick off at 7pm and go on until 11pm. Tickets cost $150 each for non-members, and only $10 for members.

Unite This City regularly partners with local companies through social technology to host events and connect with local residents. Their aim is always to rebuild Cleveland’s local economy, to create jobs, or to create a higher quality of living for all residents. One of the perks of being a member is that you can receive over $10,000 in cash incentives to spend at local businesses each month. This month, interested parties can become a member for $8 instead of $10 by using the promo code FOX8.